Chapter 8

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"Okay, dinners in the fridge, I'm sure you know how to heat up food. Wait, you do know how to heat up food right?"

"Yes ma'am." He laughed.

"Okay." I laughed too. "Don't let them have more than two cups of apple juice, no soda, and they're in bed by 9:30. Okay?"

He nodded. "Okay."

"Gimme your phone."

"Why?" He asked as he handed it to me.

"I'm putting my moms number in here....just in case." I handed it back to him when I was done.

"So where are you going?" He asked.


"Going out where?"

"Tia and I are just going out."

"On a date or something?"

"Do you think I'm dating Tia?" I laughed.

"No, I meant like a double date."

"No, I'm not going on any sort of date and if I were it wouldn't be any of your business." My phone vibrated and I looked at my text from Tia saying she was outside. "Tia's here, may I leave?"

"Of course."

"Thank you dad." I said sarcastically as I walked out the door. "Oh yeah, I don't want any of your bitches here while I'm gone."

"I would never do that."

"Sure." I rolled my eyes as I shut the door behind me.

She said no bitches but she didn't say I couldn't call my boy's.

"Hey La Mar?"

"Whats up bro?"

"You wanna come help me babysit the twins?"

"You're babysitting?" He laughed

"Yeah and I have no idea what I'm doing man they're just running around."

"Alright I'ma come help you out." I gave him the address and he hung up.

About 15 minutes later there was a knock on the door, I opened it and La Mar, Cash, and Hawk were standing there with some bottles.

"Nigga, I said baby sitting. And why'd you bring them?"

"What's that supposed to mean? We can't come in?" Cash laughed.

"Nah this is Cami's spot. And she's gonna freak out if she comes home and all y'all are here."

"But bro....who paid for this spot?" He was right. I did pay for it.

"Alright but y'all gotta leave in an hour."

"Alright, alright." Cash said as I let them in.

"Y'all can't just-"

I was cut off by Ava running down the hall way in a tutu and fairy wings and AJ came chasing after her pretending to hold a gun.

"Help he's gonna kill me!" Ava yelled and I picked her up.

"We gotta kill all the fairies 'cause they're gross." AJ said, now pointing his imaginary gun at Ava and I.

"Guys why don't we try and play a less violent game?"

"Says the guy who plays Black Ops on a daily basis." La Mar chimed in from the table.

"Shut up." I glared at him. "Why don't-"

"Mom said 'shut up' is rude." Ava corrected me.

"I'm sorry. I won't say it again."

"Yes you will." La Mar chimed in again.

"La Mar-"

"Let's watch a movie." He cut me off.

"Yeah!" The twins yelled and Ava jumped out my arms.

"What movie?" I asked.

"Let the twins pick." He shrugged.

The twins picked a movie, some Disney shit, and sat on the floor in the blanket fort they built to watch it. La Mar, Cash and I sat on the couch passing bottles around.

"Shit, it's 10:00."

"So what?" Hawk asked.

"Cami wanted them in bed by 9:30."

"They'll pass out soon."

I thought why not and sure enough 15 minutes later they were both sleep in their blanket fort.

"Should i move them?"

"Nah...they'll probably wake up. Let Cami do it."

"Alright." I laughed and took another drink from the bottle of Henny.

"When do you think Cami is gonna come home?"

"If she's anything like she used to be, not til the morning." La Mar passed me a blunt and I walked out on to the balcony to light it up.

Bird Trap (The Weeknd fanfic) #completed जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें