Chapter 19

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It had been two months since Cami and I 'broke up' and we were barely talking. She didn't answer my calls, and took forever to reply to my text. The only time we actually spoke or saw each other was if it had to do with the twins.

I was supposed to be picking up the twins so they could spend the weeknd with me but Cami wasn't answering her phone. I assumed she forgot and thought I was bothering her, so I just went over to her house. When I got there I knocked on the door had to wait a minute before the door opened. I was expecting her but instead it was a tall dark skin nigga that opened the door.

"Who are you?"

"Kendrick, Cami's boyfriend."

"Alright...well I need to talk to Camille about our kids. Where is she?"

"I'll get her."

He let me in and disappeared down the hall way for a minute, when he came back Cami was trailing behind him.

"Abel, what are you doing here?"

"I came to pick up the twins, where are they?"

"They're spending this weekend with my mom. I told you that."

Kenneth, Kennedy, Kellogg's or whatever the fuck his name was, walked outside so Cami and I could argue in private.

"No, you didn't but if you answered your phone today you could've."

She rolled her eyes. "Okay, my bad."

"And what's up with this nigga?"

"What do you mean? He's my boyfriend. You got a girlfriend don't you?"

"It doesn't matter what I got. I don't want random niggas around you or my kids."

"He's not random. I've known him for a while, calm down."

"He live here?"


"Good, cause this is my house remember?"

"Are we really about to go through this again? 'Cause I'll move the fuck out tonight."

"You don't gotta do that. Only thing I'm saying is, if there's gonna be a nigga living's gonna be me."

"Whatever." She rolled eyes again.

"I'm just curious, why would you wanna date him instead of me? What does he have that I don't?"

"First of all, he's loyal-"

"I could be too, I don't think I got a fair chance when we got back together."

"How do you figure that?"

" 'Cause Bella was still around, distracting me and shit. If she wasn't around it'd be all good."

"'re The fucking Weeknd. You're always gonna have bitches around you 'distracting' you."

"Give me another chance and I'll prove you wrong."

"I don't want you to, I'm happy with Kendrick."

"You love him?"

"I might." She shrugged. "Are you done interrogating me now?"

I nodded as I got up to leave. She was clearly irritated and I already knew me trying to force the conversation any longer would just piss her off.

When I got back to my place La mar and Hyghly were talking about something involving the artwork for my album, but when I walked in I interrupted them.

"I thought you went to get Ava and AJ?" La mar asked.

"I did but Cami forgot to tell me that they're with her mom this weekend. So instead I got to meet her new nigga."

He laughed. "Does that mean you're gonna give up now?"

Even though it seemed like Cami was really done with me, I still wanted another chance. I just wasn't sure how I was gonna get it.


"Y'all both are in whole ass relationships but you don't think y'all are done?"

"Bella and I aren't in a real relationship, she just keeps people talking." I shrugged. "And Cami and that nigga won't last."

"How do you know that?"

" 'Cause I'm not gonna let it happen."

Sorry for the late update and sorry this chapter was kinda short and probably sucked 😭 I promise I'll post Chapter 20 on time 💖

Kendrick = Aaronjoates on IG ✨

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