Chapter 20

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The hardest thing about trying to get Cami back this time was that she was actually committed to her relationship with this dude. No matter what I did she just wouldn't budge, I asked her out time after time, but always received the same vague "no". I was starting to lose hope until Hyghly came up with an idea.

"Why don't you make her jealous or somethin'?

"That won't work, she doesn't care about Bella anymore."

"Get a new girl then."

I thought about it for a second...using another girl, to get Cami back? It sounded stupid but possibly stupid enough it might work.

"If you can find me a girl that's not gonna get attached and shit then I'll try it."

He took his phone out his pocket. "I got you."

Abel wanted to take Ava and AJ to the movies and even though I really didn't want to go, I went 'cause the twins wanted me to. As soon as we got there I regretted it 'cause Abel had bought half the damn crew, of course, but he also had some bitch with him...and she looked a lot like me.

He came and sat next to the twins and I when he saw us.

"I see you found another me."

"Myah? She's just a friend."

"Of course she is."

He picked up on the hint of jealousy in my voice and smirked.

"She is, I'm still holding out on hopes you'll break up with Kenneth."

"His name is Kendrick."

"Ooh yeah, my bad."

"Where's Bella? Doesn't she have a problem with you taking a girl that looks like me out?"

"She's in Paris or something, I don't know."

Before I could say anything else an employee came to tell us to get seated 'cause the movie was going to start soon. Abel had rented out the whole theater, so I didn't see why it was necessary for him and Myah to sit right next to me.

Through the whole movie I had to sit through them whispering back and forth and her stupid fucking giggling. I don't know why but it made my blood boil. I thought I was over him and I thought I loved Kendrick, but listening to Abel and that girl laughing and shit for almost two hours bothered the fuck out of me.

As soon as the movie was over I let the twins say bye to Abel and we left. The last thing I wanted to do was stay and talk to him anymore, especially feeling as confused as I was.

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