Chapter 24

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"Is Abel coming?" My mom asked as we started to decorate her backyard. It was Ava and AJ's birthday and we were throwing them a party.

"I told him about it, but we haven't talked in a few days so I'm not sure."

"Why aren't you talking?"

"It's nothing."

"C'mon what's going on with you two?"

"I just feel like every time I think me and Abel are making progress, something messes it up."

"What happened this time?"

"He was talking about getting married, and I was uneasy about it at first but we talked and he made me feel better. Then his phone rings and it's Bella!"

"Are they-"

"He said they were through, but she keeps blowing his phone up...I don't know if I should stay with him or just move on...I just don't know anymore."

"Just beat her ass again if she keeps it up. She'll learn sooner or later."

I laughed. "Okay."

"As for Abel, don't give up on him just yet. He's a good guy and I can tell he really loves you and the twins."

"He does." I sighed heavy, now I kinda hope Abel does show up at the party.

When Sal walked in I was putting on my shoes so I could leave.

"Where are you going?" He asked as he sat down on the couch.

"It's Ava and AJ's birthday, I'm going to their party."

"How long are you gonna be there? 'Cause we got shit to do today."

"Probably a while, so whatever we gotta do can wait."

"Abel I can't just move shit around last minute 'cause you-"

"They're my kids Sal. They come first before anything, so like I said, whatever it can wait. If you don't like it then maybe you don't need to be my manager."

He sighed heavy. "Alright. I'll see what I can do."

"Thank you."

I grabbed my keys and left almost in disbelief. You'd think he'd want me to do the right thing, but he was acting like he didn't give two fucks and wanted me to do the same.

How Sal felt was the last of my worries though, the only thing on my mind was my relationship with Cami.

When I got to her mom's house I went around to the backyard where the party was.

"Daddy!" Ava and AJ yelled and ran over to me.

"Happy birthday guys." I bent down to give them a hug. "Where's your mom?"

"I'll show you!" Ava grabbed my hand and lead me through a crowd of her and AJ's little friends to a table where Cami was sitting with her mom and Tia.

"Mommy, look daddy's here!"

"Hi Abel." She gave me a half ass smile.

"Can I talk to you for a second?"

"I guess."

She got up and walked inside and I followed behind her.

"I know you're probably still mad about the other day, and you have every right to be. But I just wanna let you know, I changed my number, so I won't be getting anymore calls from her."

"Good...'cause this can't happen anymore. I know you love me, but having her just keep calling and makes me doubt that and I don't wanna doubt how you feel about me."

"You won't have to anymore." I kissed her forehead. "I promise."

"I hope not." She smiled. "C'mon let's get back to the party."

She started to walk back outside but I grabbed her hand and stopped her.

"Wait, I got something for you."

"For me?" She looked confused.

"I know it's the twin's birthday, but I wanted to get you something too."

I reached in my jacket pocket, took out a small black leather box and handed it to her.

"What is this?"

"Open it."

She opened it and her eyes grew wide as she stared at the ring inside.


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"I know you said you're not trying to rush into anything, so this will just be...a promise ring, until further notice."

"I...I don't even know what to say." Her eyes were starting to water. "You're serious?"

"Of course I am." I took the ring out the box and put it on her left ring finger. "There."

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