Chapter 12

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I woke up hung over, my head was pounding again. The Grammy's were Monday and my birthday was Tuesday so I've been doing nothing but partying for the past three days.

My phone started to buzz so I picked it up. 23 unread messages. The most recent one was from Cami.

"Can you come over later? I'll be home around 7 ❤"

I was about to reply when my phone rang. Of course, it was Bella.

"Yes Bella?"

"Why have you been ignoring me?"

"I wasn't. I've been sleep."

"It's 3:00pm. You slept all day?"

"Yeah. I was out all night."

"With who?"

"With the crew, damn."

"Whatever. Are we still going out tonight?"

"Um...I can't. I gotta be at the studio soon and I'll probably be there all night."

"Can I come?"

"No, you're gonna distract me."

"Fine." She hung up, angry.

If I told her I was going to be at Cami's I'd have to hear her bitch me out for the next hour and that was the last thing I needed while I had a headache.

Cami's house:
"Where are the twins?"

"With my mom, I wanted to talk to you."

"About what?"

"Well I didn't get you anything for your birthday and I thought maybe you'd want dinner or something? I know Bella doesn't cook for you."

"I think you already know what I want." I smiled and grabbed her waist, pulling her close to me.

"I don't think I know." She smiled.

"Well let me show you then." I was about to kiss her when my phone started ringing. I pulled it out my pocket and Cami grabbed it from me.

"It's Bella." She answered it. "Hello?"

"Cami give me the phone."

She shook her head and continued on with Bella. "Yeah it's Camille....No you can't talk to Abel right now....Because he's busy...Well I'm sorry....Alright then." She hung up.

"Bella said she'll be waiting for you to get home."

"You shoulda gave me the phone. She thought I was at the studio."

"Oops." She laughed as she handed me my phone back. "I guess that means you can't stay now."

"I can stay for a little bit."

She smiled and grabbed my hand leading me to her bedroom. "Long enough to get your present right?"

I wasn't sure if there was really something between Cami and I again. All we did was fuck, but if I asked her about getting back together or if she has feelings for me, she'd just brush me off. I was starting to think maybe she had feelings for someone else...

It was almost 3 am and Abel still wasn't home. I called him for what seemed like the millionth time, as I opened my drawer in the bottom of his dresser, looking for something to change into. It looked like some of my stuff had been moved around, I started to take all my stuff out and realized Cami's phone was missing. That meant either she found it or Abel did.

"Bella?" I heard Abel call my name from the living room.

I shoved all my stuff back in the drawer. "Here I come." I tried to hide the panic in my voice.

I walked out to the living room. "Abel where have you been?"

"I told you I was at the studio."

"That's a damn lie, 'cause Cami answered your phone."

"Yeah...I was at the studio...then I was hungry and she told me she made dinner so I went over there and ate then went back to the studio. You can call Tony, he'll tell you I was with him most of the night."

As much as I didn't want to believe him, it kinda sounded like he was telling the truth. And he said Tony, Tony wouldn't lie to me. "You coulda ate dinner with me."

"I'm sorry, next time I will. I promise." He smiled.

"Okay." I smiled back, then remembered the phone. "Hey, were you in my stuff?"

"No. Why?"

"It just looks like some stuff was moved around....was Cami here?"

"Yeah, but she didn't go in your stuff."

"As far as you know."

"She didn't go in your stuff. Calm down."

But she did, I knew she did and now I didn't know what to expect from her.

Bird Trap (The Weeknd fanfic) #completed Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora