Chapter 15

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"Look at this!" I almost shoved my phone in Jesse's face as I showed her picture after picture of Abel and that bitch Camille.

"Why would he be going out with her like that? Did you guys fight or something?"

"We didn't talk for a few days...But that doesn't mean he can just run back to her."

"Okay, calm down. Just talk to him when we get back to New York."

I nodded.

She was right. I'll let Abel have his fun but their little relationship was gonna be over as soon as I landed and I was gonna make sure of it.

I just stepped in the booth and was about to start recording when Ill interrupted me.

"Yo, your girls here."

Since Cami and I made up we had been spending a lot of time together but I wasn't expecting her to come to the studio.

When I took off my headphones and stepped out the booth Bella was standing there. We haven't talked in almost two weeks, so I don't know why she would just pop up on me like this.

"What are you doing here?"

"We need to talk."

"About what?"


"Us? There ain't no us anymore."

"How do you figure that? When did we break up Abel?!"

"When we didn't talk for over a week I figured it was over and moved on."

"You know, You could've called me before crawling back to that bitch. I was just busy Abel."

"I think you should leave if you're gonna talk about Cami like that. It's-"

Cash walked into the studio with Cami following behind him and I knew all hell was about to break loose.

"Why is she here?"

"She was-"

Bella cut me off. "I'm his girlfriend, bitch why are you here?"

"That's funny you still think you're his girlfriend." Cami smiled. "So young and naive."

"I am, tell her Abel. Tell her you love me."

"Bella...I love Camille. I did have feelings for you but...I've always loved her."

"But...You can't leave me."

"Why not?"

" 'Cause....I need you."

"No you don't."

"I do..."

"She needs you for her career. That's all she's ever cared about the whole time you guys were together. Her career, not yours, or your music, or even you. Just how you benefitted her." Cami rolled her eyes.

"If anyone's using you it's that broke bitch Abel, not me. Don't listen to her."

"Why would I need to use him? I don't want fame or money. I loved him before he had anything, so try again."

Ill and Cash were enjoying the argument but I knew if I didn't step in soon they were gonna end up fucking up my studio.

"Okay that's enough. Bella you need to go. We're over and that's the end of it."

"Fine." She rolled her eyes as she shoved pass Cash and Cami and out the door.

"I'm sorry Cami, I don't even know how she knew I was here."

"Well I know that if she pops up somewhere again, I will beat her ass."

I had a feeling she wasn't playing and I also had a feeling Bella wasn't done bothering us, so I just had to wait and see how all of this was going to unfold.

Sorry the update was a day late 😭 I know these were short but I hope they were good and you all enjoyed them 💖

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