Chapter 35

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Christmas eve
My mom and I drove up to my dad's house in D.C to celebrate Christmas with my family. When we arrived everyone else was already there.

"Hey munchkin!" My oldest brother Izaiah said as he gave me a hug. "I haven't seen you all year."

"I know, I'm-"

"You got a lil boyfriend and forgot all about us." My other brother Devin  interrupted me. "Where is he anyway? And where are the twins?"

"Abel went home for Christmas and I let them go with him."

"I'm surprised you didn't skip out on us and go with them."

"Oh god, shut up. You know-"

Now it was my dad's turn. "Why didn't he come here for Christmas? He knows none of us have met him yet and-"

"He doesn't get to see his family that much 'cause he's a busy person, so he went to visit them. I don't know why that's a bad thing?"

"What are you gonna do when he's too busy for you and the twins and can only see you guys once a year?"

"That won't happen."

"That's what-"

"Okay, enough of that." My mom my stepped in to save me. "Lets move on to something else."

I don't know why they thought attacking me with questions as soon I walked in was a good idea. I loved my dad and my brother but their protectiveness just made them seem like assholes and it made me irritated.
I stepped outside 'cause I wanted to facetime Abel and see what him and the twins were up to, but my cousin followed me outside.

"Can I talk to you?" Kiera asked. She was 18 and I assumed XO by the shirt she was wearing so I already knew what this was gonna be about.

"About Abel?"

She nodded. "I just wanna know eeeeverything."

I sat down by the fire pit and she sat down with me.

"I don't think I can tell you everything  but what exactly do you wanna know?"

" did you guys meet? Tell me every detail."

"Alright, I guess." I took a deep breath before starting. "Okay, it was spring break, me and a few friends heard Toronto was cool so that's where we went. When we got there we went out to different clubs and parties and shit like every night, it was wild. Anyway,  one night after a party we went back to our hotel and all my friends were passed out but I was hungry as fuck. So I decided to walk down the street to 7/11. While I'm walking I see Abel and a few other guys posted up under a street light. It was like three a.m, I was by myself and tipsy, so I tried to avoid them. They looked up to no good, I thought they were gonna beat my ass and rob me or something but I was wrong."

"What happened next?" She asked as if I was telling a damn campfire story.

"Abel walked up to me and asked "What are you doing out here all by yourself?" I was scared as fuck and I think he could tell so he told me that he just wanted to make sure I was safe. I got my food and then he walked me all the way back to my hotel and gave me his number. We started talking and for the rest of spring break I was hanging out with him and the crew. When break was over my friends went home but I staid in Toronto. Abel and I dated for a few months before things started to get really bad. All we did was argue and he fucked literally every girl he walked by. He asked me for one more chance and that he was really gonna change but I already knew he wouldn't and I wanted to leave him, finding out I was pregnant just sealed the deal. I didn't think he would want to have a kid, especially at the beginning of his career and I knew our relationship was too rocky to even try to co-parent. So I called my mom and told her what was up. She was gonna make me come back here but I still wanted to go to school, so she moved to New York to help me out." It had been forever since I talked about all that and saying it out loud actually made my heart ache a little.

"Oh my god, and Abel didn't know about Ava and AJ till that TMZ story?"

I nodded.

"How did he react?"

"He denied them at first and I wasn't surprised when he did. Abel is a natural asshole."

She laughed then continued on with the questions.

"Does he still have doubts?"

"No, we got a test done. Plus AJ is a literal copy of him."

"Does Bella still bother you? I saw what Abel said about her on E news."

"No, I haven't seen or talked to her in almost a month."

"Do you get worried that she'll pop up again?"

"No, and if she does she'll just be making herself look dumb. Abel made it clear that he has no interest in her and she's just mad about it."

"So you and Abel are like really in love, in love?"

I nodded again. "I love him a lot, probably more than I should honestly."

She gestured to the ring on my finger. "Are you guys gonna get married?"

"We're not engaged yet...this is just a promise ring. But I do wanna marry him. As cheesy as it sounds I can see us growing old together."

"Well when is he gonna propose?!"

"Soon, I hope."

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