Chapter 35 pt.2

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I walked into my moms house with Ava and AJ trailing behind me. I could hear her playing Teddy Afro in the kitchen and singing along.

"Alright you guys stay right here and I'm gonna get grandma so we can surprise her."

They nodded and plopped down on the couch together.

I went around the corner to the kitchen, she was already busy making dinner but it didn't take anytime at all for her to notice me.

"There's my honey bun!" She gave me a hug. "I was wondering when you were gonna get here."

"Sorry we got here a little later than I intended. But-"

"We? Who's we?"

"I bought guest with me."

"Who? Is it that little white girl?"

I laughed even though I really didn't mean to. "No, it's not her."

"Then who?"

"C'mon and I'll show you."

She hooked her arm through mine and I lead her out to the living room where the twins were.

"Hi grandma!"

"Aaah hi babies!" She bent down to give them both a hug. "I'm so happy to finally see you two!"

"They couldn't wait-"

"Wait, where's their mom?"

"She wanted to come but promised her family she was gonna visit them."

"Ooh that's too bad, It's been so long since I've seen her."

Cami had met my mom back when we used to date and my mom loved her. She was the only girl I've dated that my mom approved of.

"I'll come home for my birthday and hopefully she can come then."

"I'd love that." She smiled. "Now, why don't you guys play while your dad helps me finish dinner."


They both hopped up and grabbed their bags, emptying out all their toys on to the floor as I followed my mom back into the kitchen.

"So..." She poured a glass of Tej for both of us and handed mine to me. "How are you and Camille?

"Fine, we've just been working on our relationship and I think we're finally in a good space."

"That's good. I can tell you're happier than last time I saw you."

"I am happy. I never thought I'd find a girl that I'd want to be with long term."

"You were with...what's her name?"


"Yeah, her. You were with her for a while."

"Well yeah but our relationship was...different. I love Cami and with her nothing is forced. I can see myself being with her for a looong time. Even-"

"For the rest of your life?"

I nodded.

"Aaw, so you wanna marry her?!"

"Of course I do." I smiled. "I just-"

"Have you proposed yet?"

"Kind of, but not really."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"I gave her a ring but I said it was just a promise ring until further notice."

"Goodness Abel, that doesn't count!" She shook her head. "As soon as you get home, you need to get down on one knee and actually propose."

"I would've done it already but...I guess I get nervous and don't know what to say."

"Aaw honey bun, just tell her how you feel, it'll be easy."

"But what if I pour my heart out to her and she just says no?"

"I promise she's not gonna say no Abel. You have nothing to worry about."

"Well, we'll see."

I'm thinking about ending this book soon and continuing it in a sequel but I'm not sure how I wanna do it. Idk if I wanna publish a whole new story or have the sequel in this one. Like I'll indicate the end of this story and then every time i update after that it will be part of the sequel or should I not do the sequel thing at all and have this book be long as fuck? Lol Let me know what you guys think. Merry Christmas btw 🎄

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