Chapter 39 pt.2

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When I woke up it was already eleven forty-five and I was supposed to be meeting Belly at the studio in fifteen minutes.

"Shit..." I looked down at Cami who was still sleeping on me and nudged her a little."Baby?"


"I gotta go...I'm supposed to be at the studio in a few minutes."

"Noooo." She whined and tightened her arms around my neck. "Don't go."

"But I-"

"Can't you just go tomorrow?" She started to place soft kisses along my jawline and I damn near melted in her arms. "Please, I want you to stay here."

I thought about calling Belly and postponing until the next day but Cash and Sal would kill me for wasting studio time.

"I wish I could, but I have to go baby girl. I'm sorry."


She let me go and I got up to stretch before throwing on my clothes from the night before.

"I promise I won't be gone all day."


"Stop all that pouting and gimme a kiss."

She stood up and pressed her lips into mine. I wrapped my arms around her as I felt her teeth tugging on my bottom lip.

Lord knows I didn't want to, but I pulled back from the kiss and sighed as I looked down at her beautiful face.

"Im all yours tomorrow and we can do whatever your pretty little heart desires, deal?"

"Deal." She smiled. "I love you."

"I love you too." I smiled back before kissing her forehead. "See you tonight."

Twenty minutes later I was walking into the studio and Belly, Hawk and Manny were already there.

"Aye, I'm sorry I'm-"

"Look at this dirty ass nigga in the same clothes from yesterday." Hawk said as I walked by him and sat down in a chair by the soundboard.

"I might be dirty but I can still pull more bitches than you."

"Ooh, I'm telling Camille."

"Shut the fuck up." I turned my attention back to Belly. "Like I was saying, sorry im late."

"It's cool bro. You ready to start laying these verses?"

"Hell yeah."

I walked into the booth and put my headphones on before the beat began to play.

I was in the middle of laying my second verse when Belly stopped me.

"Hey, Sal's out here. He wants to talk to you for a sec."

"What the fuck does this nigga want?" I mumbled to myself as I stepped out the booth. He was sitting down next to hawk holding a big brown envelope.

"You always complaining when I'm not recording and when I am your ass interrupts me."

"You can go back in the booth but I just wanted to give you this." He handed the envelope to me.

I opened it and pulled out a thick ass packet of papers.

Post-nuptial agreement.

"What the fuck is this?"

"Since your silly ass wouldn't go see Joseph, I did and we drafted an agreement for you and-"

"Wait, so you went to my lawyer, without my permission to discuss my assets?"

"Just read it over before you say no."

"No, 'cause I know we're not gonna need it."

"It's just a precaution in case you do need it."

"Why the fuck would we need it Sal? I already told you that-"

"Let's be rational Abel, you're a hoe. So what if you cheat and she wants to leave? She wouldn't be able take anything that's yours. You keep all your money, cars, condos, etcetera."

"This has got to be the stupidest shit ever." I said as I started to tear the pages of the packet apart. "I don't care about that shit. Whatever's mine is hers and it's gonna stay that way. "


"Matter of fact, when I get home I'ma give her my black card and let her go on a shopping spree or something."

"Abel don't be dumb, you-"

"I've been thinking about getting a place for us for us too, you think she'd like something in the city or something more private? Like Armonk?"

Sal just shook his head. I could tell he was pissed but I honestly didn't know why. What I did with my money was none of his damn business.

"Now, if you'd excuse me, I've got work to do."

I threw the rest of the packet on the table and went back into the booth.

I spent the next four hours recording my verses over and over again but I couldn't seem to get my shit together.

"You okay man?" Belly asked as I exited the booth and grabbed a bottle of water. "It never takes you this long to get it right."

"Yeah, I think Sal just threw me off earlier. He's so fucking annoying man."

"Yeah he is." He laughed before continuing on. "But it's not like he's just picking on you, he always used to try to regulate shit with me and my girl too."

"For real?"

"Yeah, he was always like 'you're not her sugar daddy, stop spending so much on her.' And I always told him how I spend my money on my girl ain't his business. Eventually he just dropped it."

"I wish he'd drop this shit with me and Cami already. It's irritating."

"He just has our best interest at heart and doesn't want us to get played, but if we do that's our fault." He shrugged. "I'm sure he'll leave you guys alone soon."

I took a sip from my water bottle. "I hope so."

"You wanna finish this up tomorrow so we can start fresh?"

"I can't do tomorrow, I promised Cami I'd spend the day with her."

"Aaaw." He laughed. "Well y'all have fun tomorrow and we can finish this later on this week."

"Alright man, that works."

I stood and he dap me up before we both left.

I know this is kinda short but another update is coming soon ❤

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