Chapter 10

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I sat at the table across from Bella playing with my fork. Abel asked me to come over to his place for dinner so I could actually meet Bella but the whole time it was just awkward silence and glares across the table.

"Abel can I talk to you?" Bella said as she stood up from the table.

"Yeah..." He got up and they went out on to the balcony.

I knew she was about to go out there and whine about something, most likely me and why I'm here but I really didn't give two fucks.

I got up to pour myself a drink when La Mar walked in.

"Hey Ab-" He cut himself off. "Where's Abel?"

"On the balcony with Bella."

"Ooh shit, tonight was the night he was doing the thing with you guys."

"Does Abel expect me and Bella to be best friends?"

He laughed. "I told him you guys aren't gonna get along. Y'all are way too different."

Before I could say anything else Abel and Bella came back inside.

"Hey man, what are you doing here?"

"I forgot you were doing all this tonight so me and the boys might've invited some people over here."

"Wait, What? Why over-"

Just then the rest of the crew came pouring into Abel's penthouse. Hawk, Cash, Belly, Hyghly, Stixx, Henny, Manny and a few other guys, followed by a group of girls.

"It's not that many." La Mar laughed and plug his phone into Abel's speakers then went to go join the party.

"I'm sorry guys." It seemed like he was apologizing more to me than Bella and I think she noticed it too.

"It's okay, I haven't been to one of your parties in a while." I smiled.

Something about pissing her off made me warm inside.

"I don't feel like partying." She mumbled.

"Well I do. Feel free to join whenever you're done being a bitch." He said then walked off into the crowd of people.

I wanted to laugh but I knew that'd just make things worse. So instead I tried talking to her.

"Bella..why are you always mad?"

"Why are you talking to me?"

"I'm just trying to help your grumpy ass."

"Then leave Abel alone."

"How? He's kinda the father of my children."

"Well who's fault is that for getting knocked up huh?"

"You need to calm down before you get knocked out."

"You need to leave me and Abel alone. We were happy before you showed up then you come around and he starts acting weird."

"Well you need to talk to him. How do you know I'm the cause of his behavior?"

"Cause he loves you."

"Thats a fucking lie."

"He said it, but he's supposed to love me. We're supposed to get married."

I choked on my drink when she said her and Abel were going to get married.

"You wanna marry him?"

"Yeah, it's part of my master plan."

" Master plan?"

"Yup, Abel falls in love, we get married, and I become famous super model."

"Ooh..." It sounded like she was just using him to me and that didn't sit right with me.

"I just need you to stop being a bitch and leave Abel alone."

"Bella I-" I bit my tongue to cut myself off. "I'm gonna leave now, 'cause you're starting to irritate me and I don't want Abel to see his girlfriend get fucked up." I finished my drink and grabbed my purse from the table as I made my way out.

When Camille left she forgot her phone on the table so I picked it up and started going through it.

"Bella!" Abel shouted to me over the music. "Where's Cami?!"

"She left!" I put her phone down while he was talking to me.


"I don't know! She looked upset though!"

"Okay!" He shrugged and went back to the party and I went back to Camille's phone.

I decided to have some fun and text Abel. If she wasn't going to leave our relationship alone willingly, I guess I was gonna have to make her.

Me: Abel Idk if I can do this any more
Abel: What are you talking about?
Me: Being in between you and Bella's relationship
Abel: You're not in between our relationship. Did she say that?
Me: No. But I know I am.
Abel: You're not though. Stop it
Me: We're leaving
Abel: No you're not. Where are you gonna go?
Me: Anywhere but here
Abel: I'm coming over there
Me: I don't wanna see you. Don't come over here.
Abel: But the twins
Me: This is all over Abel. I don't wanna see you or talk to you anymore. It was nice while it lasted.

I turned the phone off before Abel could reply and put it in my pocket.

That should keep them apart for a while.

Bird Trap (The Weeknd fanfic) #completed Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant