Chapter 28

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"What's going on with you?" My mom asked as we sat down at the table together. "You look like you've been crying for days."

"I kinda have."


"Abel hasn't talked to me in a week. No calls, no text, nothing. He's supposed to come get the twins this evening and I don't even know if he's coming."

She shook her head. "You two are always going through something."

"And I don't even know why he's not talking to me. I know I was mad about the Vegas thing but we didn't even talk about it! I only left him that angry voicemail! That's it!"

She sighed. "I just don't understand how you guys are still arguing all the time. You two should be happy and planning your wedding."

I damn near choked on my drink. "Mom there is no wedding, we're not even engaged."

"Those ten carats on you ring finger say otherwise."

"It's just a ring...We're not getting married."

"If you say so." She rolled her eyes.

There was a knock on the door and I hopped up from my chair hoping it was Abel, but it was Lamar.

"Is Abel with you?"

"Nah, he asked me to come get Ava and AJ."

"Ooh." I sighed heavy. "Do you know why he won't talk to me? Is he mad about something?"

"He just said he couldn't talk to you right now."

"But why?" My voice cracked as I tried to hold back tears.

"I don't know." He shrugged. "I'm sorry Milly."

"It's okay...I'll go get the twins."

I went down the hall to Ava and AJ's room where they were playing.

"Is daddy here yet?" Ava asked.

" daddy is busy but uncle Lamar is here to get you guys."


They jumped up and ran out to the living room, I grabbed their bags and followed behind them.

"Have fun this weekend and no more trips."

AJ laughed. "Okay, no more trips."

"And Tell daddy I love him."

"We will!"

I bent down to give them hugs and kisses then they left.

"What are you gonna do this weekend? You can't just sit around and be sad."

"But maybe that's what I wanna do."

"Camille do I have to drag you out this house tomorrow?"

"No." I rolled my eyes. "I'll do something, but right now I just wanna sleep."

"I guess that's my cue to leave." She got up and gave me a hug. "I will literally drag you out the house tomorrow if you don't pull it together."

"Okay, okay."

When she left I did go straight to sleep. I didn't feel like talking to anyone, or going out anywhere. I just wanted to talk to Abel and be with him but something I did was obviously preventing that from happening. I just didn't know what though.

2 AM:
It was the middle of the night when someone started to blow my damn phone up. It seemed like the more i tried to ignore it, the more it would vibrate.


"Hey baby." It was Abel. "What are you doing?"

"I was sleep...but if you wanna talk we can."

"I wanna see you."

"Okay...just text me when you're outside."

"Guess what...I'm already outside."

"Alright, here I come."

I wasn't sure why Abel wanted to come over at two in the damn morning but I didn't care, I just wanted to see him.

I made my way out to the living room and turned the light on before opening the door. When I opened it Abel was standing there, his eyes were glossy and I could smell the alcohol radiating off of him.

"I missed you." He grabbed my waist and pulled me close to him.

I laid my head on his chest. "I missed you too. Where are Ava and AJ?"

"They're at my place with Lamar."

"Ooh... Abel, what did I do? Why wouldn't you talk to me?"

His hands fell from my waist and he moved so there was a space between us.

"You didn't do anything."

"Then why weren't you talking to me?"

He sighed and ran his hand through his hair.

"I love you, you know that right?"

"Yes, I love you too."

"Okay...I have to tell you something, but I need you to promise you won't get mad."

"What is it?"

"When I was in Vegas..." He stopped and sighed. "I'm sorry."

"For what? What happened?"

"I was fucked up and met this girl after my show and...I didn't fuck her."

"Then what did you do? I know you didn't just come over here to tell me you didn't fuck her."

"She gave me head. That's it."

"That's it?" I felt tears starting to run down my cheeks. "You say that like I'm supposed to be happy that's all you did. If you loved me like you say you do you wouldn't have done anything at all!"

He pulled me into a hug and I tried pushing him off to no avail.

"Let me go! You had me sitting around here for a week thinking I fucked up! But you didn't talk to me 'cause what? You felt-"

"Camille I'm sorry. It was just a very stupid accident I made when I was completely gone. You know I would have never-"

"When you're that fucked up you should just stay home then! Am I supposed to let it go every time you're faded and 'accidentally' fuck a bitch?"

"I'm sorry Cami. I love you and you love me too. I'll never see that hoe another day in my life, so let's just let it go."

"I don't love you. I hate you."

"No you don't."

"No,I hate you Abel! I was really starting to trust you again and you fuck up like this?" My voice cracked. "I hate you."

"Camille you don't-"

"I do!" I tried pushing him off me again, I hit him, I clawed at him, I think I even tried to bite him but he still wouldn't let me go. "This is why I left you in 2011, you don't really love or care about me if you're out here fucking random bitches."

"It was an accident."

"Oh of course, your dick just accidentally landed in her mouth. That's totally believable."

"Look, all I can say is that I love you and I'm truly sorry. I promise it will never happen again."

"Just please get out."

He kissed my forehead then let me go.

"I'm sorry."

He turned to leave and I wanted to throw something at his big ass head. Every time we were doing good he'd fuck it up. At this point I was starting to think maybe all this hurt wasn't even gonna be worth it in the end.

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