Chapter 22

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"Bro! You're late!" Cash yelled at me as I walked into the studio. "You were supposed to be here an hour ago!"

"I know, I know. I'm sorry man."

"Where you been?"

"I slept at Cami's. So I went home and took a shower before I came here."

"What? You're with her again?"

"Yeah..." I sat down on the couch next to him and Hyghly. "We're gonna make it work this time."

"You really love this girl, huh?"

"Yeah, I do." Hyghly passed me the blunt he had lit. "Y'all...what if I got married?"

Hyghly yelled. "Woooah!"

"You getting married?!"

"Damn, it was just a question! I ain't say I was going to the alter tomorrow."

"Man, you can't get married. You'll be-"

Sal walked in and interrupted him.

"What the hell is goin here? Why isn't he recording?"

"We're trying to talk him outta gettin married."

"Married? You proposed to Bella?"

"Fuck no!"

"Then who?"

"I didn't propose to anyone...yet. I was just asking 'cause Cami and I-"

"Cami? If you trying to marry her you better get a prenup."

"Why would we need a prenup? She doesn't care about money."

"That's what she says now, but she'll take half of everything you own and not give one fuck if you don't get one."
"I doubt-"

"Just ask her about it and see what she says. If she gets mad then we know she's in it for the money."

"Fine, I'll ask."

When I saw Cami the next day I was ready to ask her but became hesitant. I was pretty sure she wasn't gonna get mad about it, but what if she did?

"Uum can I ask you a question? A hypothetical one."

She shrugged. "Sure."

"Okay, so...hypothetically...if we we're to get...married, would you sign a prenup?"

"No, what the fuck Abel?"


"I'm kidding." She started laughing. "I don't know why we'd really need it, 'cause I don't really care about material things, but if it makes you feel better I'd sign it."

"I'm sorry, I know that was a stupid question but Sal-"

"Oooh so Sal is the one that thought of it? That makes sense."

"Yeah, he thinks-"

"Wait a minute...What were you guys even talking about that made him bring that up?"

I smiled. "Don't worry about it."

"But I wanna-"

I kissed her, cutting her off before she could finish her sentence.

"I'll see you tomorrow." I got up to leave before she could ask me anything else.

"Are you and Kendrick coming tonight?"

Tia had a party or something she wanted Kendrick and I to come to but...she kinda didn't know we broke up.

", we're not."

"Why not?"

"We broke up."

"What?! Why?!"

"I wanted to give Abel another chance."

"Good god, Camille." She rolled her eyes. "Why?"

" 'Cause we love each other and we're gonna make it work this time."

"You thought it was gonna work two months ago and it didn't. So what makes you think it'll work this time?"

"Look Tia, I know you're my best friend and you're trying to keep me from getting hurt again but I'm grown. I wanna be with Abel and if I get my heart broke again then that's on me."

"Okay." She sighed heavy. "I'll try to be more supportive." She smiled.

"Thank you." I smiled back. "You wanna hear something crazy?"


"Earlier Abel "hypothetically" asked me if I would sign a prenup."

"What'd you say?"

"I told him I didn't think we'd need one but I'd sign it if it would make him feel better. Then he told me a prenup was Sal's idea, but wouldn't tell me what they were talking about that made him bring it up."

"He was probably talking about marrying you, duh!"

"Um no! Abel and I are no where near ready for that. Plus I don't think he'd ever wanna get married anyway."

"That's a lie, he'd marry you."

"Tia, shut-"

"If he proposed to you, would you say yes?"



"Oh my god, no I wouldn't. Now shut up."

All this sudden marriage talk was starting to make my stomach hurt and I seriously wanted Tia to let it go, but I knew she wouldn't anytime soon.

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