Chapter 38

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Abel and I were on our way to my mom's house after leaving the airport the closer we got to my house the worse my anxiety got. How was I gonna tell my mom that we just eloped in Vegas? And I can't just hide it, I mean I could but-

"Baby?" Abel asked, making me lose my train of thought. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, why?"

"You've been digging your nails into my arm the past two minutes."

"I didn't even notice. I'm sorry."

"What's wrong?"

"Have you told anyone we got married?"

"No, not yet. Why? Are you worried about telling your mom?"

I nodded. " She's gonna beat my ass, then yours, then mine again."

He laughed. "Well I have an idea."

"What is it?"

"Lets have a party or something and tell everyone then. I'm free all next weekend, so we can do it then."

"That's not a bad idea..."

"Call up your dad, brothers and whoever else you wanna invite. Tell them I wanna meet them and I'll pay for their flights."

"What about your mom? How will you tell her?"

He was silent for a second before answering. "I'll ask her to come here so everyone can find out at the same time."

"What if everyone just gets mad at us?"

"Then that's their problem. We haven't done anything wrong."

I smiled. "You're right."

A few minutes later we pulled up to my moms house. We got out and I pretty much ran to the door. I hated spending time away from the twins, even if I was with Abel, I missed them like crazy.

I knocked and waited impatiently before my mom answered the door with Ava and AJ by her side.


They ran pass me and straight to Abel. He picked them up and carried them inside.

"What are you guys up to?"

"We were doing a puzzle." AJ answered. "You wanna help?"

"Of course I'll help."

"I'll help too."

"No, you don't have to."

I don't think I've ever been curved that hard in my life.

I let them be and followed my mom into the kitchen.

"You saw that? They paid me absolutely no attention."

"It's okay, they just really love their dad."

I smiled. "Yeah, I guess that's a good thing."

"So, tell me about Vegas. Did you guys have fun?"

"Yeah, Abel took me to the casino and I got to watch him lose all his money."

"Was that all you guys did?"

"Um...yeah pretty much."

She furrowed her brow as she looked at me. I knew she could see right through me and knew I was hiding something.

"That can't be all you did."

"It was...I mean I went to his show but that was it."

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