Chapter 9

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*Kyara's POV*

its 8:30 in the morning so decided to get up and get ready instead of sleeping in from last night's concert. So I took a shower and then I got dressed in cute but comfy clothes.

Right as I was about to leave my house and all of a sudden I am getting call from Rocky Mark Lynch. What the hell does he want my life or something?

I answer the phone and talked to him on my way to church. He wanted to know what I was doing I told him that I was going to church.

I told him that I would text him during breakfast he agreed said our I love you's and said then hanged up. My friends and I were crowding me about the concert umm personal space please. Thanks.

Now i'm learning more about Jesus and God during Sunday School Opening and Sunday school. Rocky kept texting during those time and asking if its breakfast yet. 

I reply back saying a simple word YES. So I ate my breakfast and all of my friends kept looking at my phone and their all saying awe. Why are these people my friends again can i get an explanation please.

After breakfast i had to say goodbye to Rocky, but first I sent a selfie to him with my friends and I. He said that we can Skype each other when I get home. 

After church i said bye to my pastors and church and went home fast. When I came home I said hi to my mom and sister. I gave them each a hug and ran upstairs to my quiet aka what i call my room.

When my Skype finally loaded Rocky called and that's when i answered it. When i saw his face it liked he was crying. Why the hell is 21 year old crying his eyes out?

When I asked him why he was crying he said, "Kyara I miss you so much I love you so much."  I cried when he said that. Then I could hear a little 20 year old boy in the background. Ross.

I saw Ross making fun of Rocky for some reason. Then the next thing I know Riker was holding down Ross and then spanking him. Rocky and I laughed so much that we had tears coming out of our eyes.

I think Riker was literally thinking what I was thinking. So thank you Riker Anthony Lynch for reading my damn mind.

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