chapter 15

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Ah, the first Monday morning of the year. To some, that means the start of classes. To me and the boys, it means our opening prank is about to take place. The night before, I made sure to warn both my brother and sister not to eat breakfast for reasons they will soon discover.

I open the great hall doors just a crack, and my eyes land on Peter who is sitting innocently at the Gryffindor table just as we instructed him to do. I shut the doors once more and run around the corner to tell the other boys that everything is set in place.

James and Sirius enter the great hall first, taking slow, relaxed steps. Remus and I follow behind them only seconds after and as we do, people turn their attention towards us. I grin a little too widely, causing students to be set off about what may be about to happen. I can't help but notice that some even get up to leave. Cowards.

I slide into my usual spot and clasp my hands together on the table, awaiting Professor Dumbledore to finish off his morning speech. When he does, he directs a mysterious smile at me, as if he knows what we're planning. I nod my head at Remus and he whispers the special incantation to activate everything.

And that's when it happens. Every student who ate breakfast this morning turns into a chicken.

So, all except the five of us, Benji and Ever, and the professors. We decided to spare them just this once. I double over, laughter taking over every inch of me. Watching my schoolmates as chickens clucking and running around crazily is a sight I never knew I needed until this very second.

The melody of Professor Dumbledore's chuckles echo around the hall. Professor McGonagall, however, is certainly less amused than he. She stalks up to the five of us and shrieks, "Potter, Black, Lupin, Pettigrew and Holland! Detention!"

"Can't wait, Minnie!" Sirius shouts back at the same time as I call back, "It's a date!"

Dumbledore stands up and makes his way to us. "Well, it seems classes will have to be postponed until tomorrow, won't they? What with the barn animals for children running around everywhere." He says.

He turns around, about ready to walk away when he adds, "Oh, and that was very impressive. It takes a great deal of knowledge to conquer magic in the way you five have." He smiles proudly at us over his shoulder. "Ten points to Gryffindor!" And with that he scurries off, his robes whipping in the wind behind him.

"Dumbles has got to be the coolest man to ever walk the planet!" I enthuse in awe.

"Aside from me and Sirius, that is." James pipes from beside me, also gaping in astonishment after our headmaster.

"Professor Dumbledore was quick to dismiss classes. I think he quite appreciated our prank, or rather enjoyed it." Remus observes with a smile.

"I reckon it's both." Peter laughs heartily.

"Wouldn't be the first time. Did you hear how he spoke of us our first night back, in front of everyone no less? He loves us." Sirius adds smugly.

"You aren't wrong." I admit with an agreeing nod. "Welp, our first detention is tonight with Minnie. The first of many more to come."

"Minnie loves us just as well." Sirius says.

"And why wouldn't she? We're a laugh. Hogwarts sure would be boring without the likes of us." I giggle.


The next day, everyone is out of their chicken forms and classes take place as they normally would've. Personally, I prefer my classmates as chickens, but that's just me.

"Ugh!" I groan, throwing my head back and stopping in my tracks, creating traffic in the crowded halls. "Are you sure we can't postpone classes until tomorrow again, darling?" I ask Remus, also known as, the brains of the operation.

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