crowded airports and missed flights

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she was a force to be reckoned with
a plague of sorts
you were entirely focused on the horrors of what other people had experienced with her
to notice that she had already crawled her way into your veins
and invaded your system
with her fiery eyes and vivacious soul she sucked you in the more she tried to push you away
what a tragedy that this plague of a girl with only one fear,
has been convinced by the worlds bitter reality
that she is incapable of being loved
what tragedy that the sun was effortlessly and beautifully in love with her
rising every day just to see her smile, even if that precious smile was aimed at the moon
whose darkness reflected all that she thought
was incased inside her soul. what a tragedy it is,
that she has all she ever wanted in front of her
but instead chose to fight the battle the hard way
and lost her head in the process.

kairos Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz