las vegas & leather boots

39 4 2

i didnt think i would make it this far
but i got caught up in the tidal wave
and dragged far out to sea
where every minute was spent
wondering when i was going to be
the next meal for an aching belly

the salt in my eyes no longer burned
and my legs tread the water effortlessly as you grab for my ankles
to drag me down with you, like the weights tied to your feet

maybe, months ago i would've let you
i wouldve let you pull me beneath the surface
so that, you would not have to suffer alone
but things change and i realize now
that you are so very toxic that it's no wonder I was constantly bleeding from my wrists and coughing up smoke from my lungs

you never loved me, i was just someone else you could control
someone else that made you feel bigger and stronger than the weak,
broken person you really are

so when your hand finally grasps my ankle, i am no longer weakened by your harsh words
i pull free and watch with tears,
as you sink to the bottom and i swim to shore

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