mud puddles & leather couches

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the sleepless night begins to weigh on my eyelids as the sun perches atop my windowsill and gushes of her love with the moon.

my stomach churns the empty contents and i realize i am starving. and it's not because i only took 3 bites out of a piece of pizza yesterday.

i am starved of the love and tenderness. of looking into someone's eyes with our noses touching and knowing there is nowhere else i would rather be.

my heart is starving and it's telling me that the pretty boy next door is the way to go and his lips taste like sugar and his hands so rough but they touch me with a softness I've never felt before and i am scared.

my heart is starving and scared. and i think this is worse than being heartbroken. my heart beats for a love it keeps telling itself it can't have.

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