movie tickets & plastic snakes

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i keep making up excuses in my head
thinking that if I can conjure up a reason sane enough
it will stop the constant torment in my body and my mind

but no valid explanation
falls from the illumiscent strands of time sewed into the seams of the stars
and no matter how often I look up for guidance, the offerings of help are blurred

so I'll continue straining my eyes, trying to figure out how you could go another day without tasting my lips that you once said kept you from drowning because god knows you aren't going to spell it out for me

it's been a week since we last saw each other and the demons under my bed keep whispering that you aren't coming back but your calls say otherwise and your constant jealousy reminds me that I am not yours, but I can't be anyone else's

I'll lay breaking in my bed, crying silently for help to the glowing eyes peering through my window in hopes that they will take me out before your frequently changing emotions do

you can run back to the girl who tore you apart and continue breaking the one who built you up but do not expect the latter to hold you together when you're lying in pieces on your bathroom floor because she did exactly what I told you she would do

the effort of wasting my words on you is too much to bare because I am so tired of fabricating these weak lines from the blood poisoning my veins if all you do is smear them before even reading them

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