highschool & solar eclipses

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I never knew that songs someone else wrote could be so important to me. I collected all of the ones that pumped the blood to my heart and them over for you to listen to.

letting you in on those songs gave you a different mindset as you listened to them because now they weren't just songs you tuned out in the background. You listened to the lyrics and took articulate notes on how they made me feel and why certain songs made my skin burning hot to the touch.

you payed attention to when my eyes would turn into projectors. they were casting my stormy thoughts onto a movie screen i thought was just my own, but you snuck in and flattened your spine in the seat right behind my mind's eye and I never knew you had crawled inside my mind until too late.

you used those same music notes to stitch me up after you shared those songs with every beautiful girl you thought would fill that emptiness in your chest where your heart should be.  you keep taking pieces of me to fill yourself and everyone else but I am not a 24 hour buffet. so please unwrap your fingers from around my brain and don't ever try to listen to what my heart whispers because those words are not for you to hear. they never were.

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