new york city & blurred lights

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i want you, but i also want you
to leave me the fuck alone
so i can take time to extract your enticing poisons from my veins without spilling ruby red
all over my pure white dress

i can't continue to sit here and love you, while you continue to keep me around because no one else shows you the attention i give you.

maybe things would be different but you strangle me with your stupid lies of "i want you" or "please don't go, i need you." you don't want me here because you love me, you want me here because i love you.

sure there are other guys who pay me attention, but they don't make my heart ache with need and they don't let the fucking zoo in my tummy out from their cages to reak lovely havoc
they don't make my hands shake when i think of them hurt like you were

i want so badly to be the one who saves you, and ive tried. your past is sickening, how your family has treated you has my blood boiling and throat swollen from supressing my own combustion of anger

silly boy, love yourself. i can only do so much to help you realize the potential pulsing in your core when there is no response in mine.

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