new houses & scratched thighs

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that's the thing
I wanted so badly for you to grab my waist and kiss me in a way we've never felt before
I wanted you to mumble after that kiss that you had been needing to do that for months now
But i will never tell you how I wish i was the one your heart yearned for and the one your eyes soften at the corners for when you watch them doing completely normal things
so I slapped the title of just friends on it in hopes that it would stop my delusional thoughts
thoughts of me being at the top of your priority list
The one person you would take a bullet for
The one person you would shoot a bullet for
sometimes my wood tiles leak and the thoughts of you holding me in my sleep and kissing me good morning still seep in and it feels so fucking right that I don't want to clog the hole again
reality comes in the form of a wave as it crashes into me and I realize that she is the one that fills your chest with little forest fires of affection
she is the one who has your name carved into the base of her neck in purple ink supplied only by the lips I've been wanting to taste far longer than I should have.

- you've never been mine and I need to accept that.

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