Bleeding lips & Migraines

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i know you think that I can give you the world and all the stars that decorate the sky

but I am just a simple girl with a burning heart that sets papers alight with fuel made of ink

a girl who writes when things hurt because there is no other way for her.

it is not as simple to tell you what I am feeling so I must let my heart do it for me through my sloppy lines of poetry scribbled on these yellowing pages.

I cannot give you the world but I can give you my words.

love poems traced into the skin between your shoulder blades and stanzas unraveling in your curls as I run my fingers through them will be your favorite things after a long day.

I can give you passion that you've never seen before. the burning, reckless type they write about in books.

I can't give you the world but I can give you all of me. And as I am too much for just one person I wouldn't mind sharing myself with you.

I wouldn't mind sharing the possibility of the love of a lifetime that's been trapped in the base of my spine.

But you have to be the one who carves the skin of my tender back out just to find it. And it will not be easy.

if you fail, i will heal like I always do. although it will leave a nasty scar, you will be able to tell others that you tried and they will congratulate you for getting so far because most I have already pushed away.

remember, i can give you the love of a lifetime but it does not just happens miraculously.

love takes effort and if you cannot meet me with the same effort I am putting forward then I will waste no time detaching myself from your weak promises.

I want you to be the one who holds me as my body shakes from the pain of the world crashing down on me all at once.

I want to be the one who sings promises of tomorrow in the dark when your thoughts are too much for you to bear and it feels like your demons have finally succeeded in killing your brain.

You can have all i have to give, if only you can do the same.

And i am sorry if you expected the world, but there is only so much a girl with shaky hands can hold.

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