lipstick stains & cigarette packs

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you're miles away and I know that you text me only out of routine because your lips are accompanied every night by new girls who are not me.

we were everything a high school romance entitled. but then you graduated and I was stuck in the never-ending bleak hallways and dirty bathrooms.

I sit on the bleachers and think about all that I have let you get by with because now not only are you using your lips on other girls, you're using them on those little sticks that destroy your lungs and stain your clothes.

a tear rolls down my face because these were the bleachers you traced the outline of my lips and told me you loved me for the first time and I swear i saw it in your eyes.

I just don't know where that boy went, the one who had that love in his eyes. maybe if I would've put my foot down the first time I got sent a video of you with your tongue down another girls throat, or the fourth time or the sixth, things would not be as they are now.

I know you're going to come back and you're gonna drive through this old town and see all of the places we hung out and talked about the world and how I looked in that white sun dress that you loved so much. I hope you remember how much my eyes danced everytime they saw you in a crowded room and how my fingers always had a way of reaching for yours.

because when you come to visit me and you knock on the front door, you're gonna see the difference in my eyes just like I see in yours. but like always we are going to ignore it because at the end of the day you're the only one I can spill my heart to and I the only one who'll wipe your tears.

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