witch hazel & eucalyptus

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you sat on the edge of the bath as i layed there breathing softly
my breaths finally stabilizing after an exhausting panic attack

your fingers twirling my humidity formed curls at the base of my hairline from my bun soothes me just as much as hearing you breathe beside me

when i emerge from the millions of bubbles and billions of thoughts in my mind, you hand me an iced water to sip on as you wrap a towel around me and pat the dampness from my face.

I give you a hazy smile and watch your face light up in all of it's precious glory as you grin back at me and your eyes whisper "you are mesmerising" when they meet mine.

you did not care when i fell asleep in your bed afterwards, getting your pillow wet with my still damp hair. you merely opened a window because you knew how i need "clean" air to sleep as you always tease me about. it does feel suffocating when i wake up and there's not a source of cool air; and the last thing you and i both want is another episode.

i dream of you with kaleidoscopes for eyes and a smile that blooms daisies as you walk. I have a crown of roses braided into my hair and the redness confuses me. why aren't they white?

puzzled, i peer down at my feet and see a trail of roses in the path of where i walked. you had picked my own flowers and made them into something beautiful and before long i believed they were too.

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