nightlights & sweat

9 2 0

the permanent smile that complimented my features when i was with you turned into permanent tear trails staining my cheeks 

and when they became too hard for you to navigate you gave up on trying and left me alone without the warmth of your caress on my back

i wanted to ask what made you change your mind so fast, when before you were so excited to go on an adventure

what did i do wrong?

i was scared to even begin walking in the first place but you grabbed me by my hand and pointed to the sky and told me "don't you want to see what that looks like up close?" 

 you knew even with all the hesitancy in my veins that to tempt me with something like that would be too hard to turn down and even harder with your lips pressed against my pulse

you told me we would make it together

now i am wandering off alone looking for the next available black hole to suck me in

determined to walk until the stars don't remind me of you anymore and i don't hear your name whistled in the wind

-nothing good comes of this

kairos Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя