rain drops and wild hair

30 4 0

let me tell you something about that girl

she was the kind of girl who didn't settle for the words "hot" spit out of the mouth of guys who just wanted to know how it felt to be between her legs.

she didn't want half ass love or open eyed kisses. she knew that there were people who could give her the fierce love that she longed for, she just had to dance her way on her own until she missed a beat and fell into their arms.

she made sure you knew exactly what she wanted at all times but made sure you spoke your mind too because communication is the oil to the machine causing your hearts to beat in time.

she laughed liked there was no one around to hear the music bubbling up from the bottom of her belly and danced when there was no music.

the type of girl who shouted to strangers across the street and told them that they looked beautiful and genuinely meant it. who would sacrifice her entire day to spend searching the streets in the pouring rain for an emaciated puppy, lost and alone.

the type of girl you wanted but didn't know you needed.

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