window blinds & makeup brushes

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the difference between you and I
is that when you look at the world
you see what it wants you to see
there is nothing wrong with your
plain view of the world as it does not
hurt as much as the latter

the difference between you and I
is that when i look at the world
I see
all that it needs me to see
I look
at the bent limbs of bare trees
and see
all of the broken promises that
we have
made to the world and promises
people have made to us with
no intention
of following through on them
that we
punished the world for

you are amazed by the lakes and oceans
for the simple beauty and
it brings to you

i can look at the same lakes
and oceans
and see stories of angry women
with hurting hearts who pull
people under the force of
their tides
in the name of revenge

lakes formed from tears of
that rained down from above
by girls
with braided glossy hair that
sways at
their waist and cheekbones
could build
cities on

you see things for what they
but i see their stories they

-or maybe I'm just high on stardust

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