mind games & bad boys

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when our lies start to build up and work their way in between the cracks in our teeth where they begin to fall out each time the alarm goes off in our head I think that in time our teeth are going to come loose and the truth for everyone to know will be a bigger problem than the fact that our mouths are just fleshy gum.

when your soft hands that caress my warm skin in the dark turn into chiseling tools that leave my skin red and raw we will decide to sweep my dead skin cells under the rug.

when my sweet words laughed in your neck turn into venom laced accusations spit in your face we simply turn the other way and wait until the poison sinks to the bottom of my belly.

we pretend that our I love you's are enough salve to heal our calloused hands, burned and scarred from holding onto the rope of a toxic relationship too long for the sake of familiarity.

I don't know how much longer I can deal with the fire in my belly and the feel of your knuckles scraping across my cheekbone, how much longer we can deal. we're a ticking time bomb set to combust at the most random time and I'm so scared the shockwave of the explosion is going to shake everything in my world out of place.

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