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I hope and pray to god that in ten years you wake up and roll over into a pair of arms that have held you at your weakest and lifted you up at your highest. I hope you find peace in the way your stretch marks decorate your body, proof that you're real. I hope you learn to love those scars that show that you've lived. I hope you've gone on adventures to places you've never been and those you have but want to find again with the only person you could ever imagine exploring the world with. they better love you. they better find beauty in the way your eyes light up when you see a puppy as you drag them along to museums and national parks. I hope they hold you close to their heart when you've had another one of those nightmares you've been getting since you were 13 because they know that counting your heartbeats and hearing you breathing, breathing, breathing is proof that you're here and alive, which calms you down in a much shorter time than the words "it's okay." and fuck, I hope you cherish them if they do. if they sit in the hallway with you at 3am holding you while you sob so hard it feels like your ribcage is collapsing and piercing your lungs and puncturing your heart. even though you just got done sliding down the hallway in fuzzy socks, a little drunk and very much in love, laughing at everything under the moon they don't question your sudden change in mood because they know that you think that whenever you get too happy it will be ripped from you like so many times before. I hope they kiss the tears tucked in your eyelashes away and look at you like you're the brightest star or the prettiest sunset after the perfect day, even when your hair is a mess and youre still wearing the same shirt from 2 days ago. I hope you never forget to live, or cover your mouth when you laugh or your face in pictures because you think they're horrid. don't hold in your kitten sneezes. And if you do these things, I hope they stop you and tell you how much those things make you beautiful because the little things create the bigger picture that is you and you, my dear, are beautiful. I know you think that all that emotion you constantly have sloshing around is the worst thing in the world but I promise you it isn't. you'll find someone who reminds you that you are real and emotions are okay because they feel to the same extreme that you do. I hope that you guys are just as happy staying in pajamas, snuggled under the covers and watching Netflix on a Friday night as you are getting dressed up and going out to dinner. I hope they understand that you're going to cry at concerts and at movies and are sometimes scared to order your own food or call the electric company and I hope you accept their flaws just as you expect them to accept yours. I hope you continue to love with everything you have because everyone knows that both of you deserve the kind of love that you read about in those books they tease you about. I hope you never lose your love of traveling or pretty things and the ability to find beauty in the ugliest of things. and I hope you don't let heartbreak turn you into everything you promised you wouldn't be. when life gives you 10 reasons to end it, throw 20 reasons back at it for you to stay. just please don't forget who you are and don't let those you love forget them too. and if they start to, stay by them and remind them who they are and give them reasons to stay if they can't think of any themselves. be you and I promise you will not regret it.

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