goosebumps & wet hair

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and maybe i don't know for sure what love feels like
but if i did I'd want it to feel like this
im just a girl who trips over her own feet, laughs too loud at the wrong time and only paints her nails when she cries
just a girl who is learning from just a boys help to open herself up when she's let the locks rust

all i know is that when you smile i finally feel like i did something right in a world where everybody makes me feel like i do everything wrong

you go on and on about your insecurities, your arms, your torso, your nose and i look at those same things and wish that you could see them the way i do. perfection doesn't exist in physical form, perfection exists in our head when we look at someone. even their worst flaws are perfect because if they didn't have them you wouldn't be loving the same person. they'd be a different person and god knows you don't want to love anyone else.

you make my heart feel the safest it's ever felt but you also make it go on the best of adventures

it's one thing to love someone for their convenience of always being with you and their physical features. It's another to love someone for the way their mind works and how their face melts into a smile after you say something stupid. It's being able to hear every mood in their voice and knowing them better than you know yourself but simultaneously not knowing anything at all.

i think love is finding someone who makes you into a better person. not because they want to change you, because they see more in yourself than you do. It's trust, honesty, disagreements, laughs, shared tears and most importantly, eternal happiness. It's sticking by someone through all of the good times and wanting to stick with them through the bad too.

it's cherishing the sunny days and dancing in the rain on the stormy ones with the only person who makes getting sunburned and your hair wet worth it.

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