jingle bells & rotten milk

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I want to thank you for the shake in my bones that never seems to leave, the crack in my voice when your name passes between my lips, and the crazy memories we engraved into our souls that I stored away in leather bound books atop the shelves in my rib cage.

I still see you in the hallways and sometimes you brush your fingers down my spine in silent communication. This kind of communication sends my senses into overdrive and I scold my body for still letting you affect it. I can't seem to hate you for the little things you do to torture me. I hate the fact that I'm disappointed on the days you choose not to.

We started doing this constant tango of ignoring each other and then ending up in one another's bed the next morning. but i am not a very good dancer. I've always been clumsy, much better with my hands than my feet and you know that. When i started stepping on your feet and confusing my right with my left, you took that as an opportunity to grab my hand and spin me into a different world where you actually love me. 

When the dance ends and we are both breathless and have the words we wish to say dripping in the sweat down our foreheads. We just stare, the hardness in your stare is completely gone and replaced with something else entirely: awe. 

I feel the weight of your eyes on me and my heart speeds up because you are finally seeing me instead of just looking at me. My brain is whispering that this is what I have wanted for months and punctuates each word with a river of shivers down my spine. My legs begin to turn to a feeling similar to the wobbliness of jello as my heart slows down to beat the letters that spell out "home."

You brush my face with the back of your hand, leaving behind a trail of happy little tingles. I knew in the beginning when we spoke for the first time, a string tugged on my soul in excitement at meeting your soul again even though our bodies had only just met for the first time. It sang to me that you were the one my hand had written miles for. 

Two stubborn souls, twisted together, in the dance of fate who was always three steps ahead of us. 

You smiled and I could feel it in my toes. From the buzz of anticipation coursing through my bloodstream I knew that smile of yours was going to be painting my lips. When you kissed me, something clicked and I felt my soul sigh in contentment. 

-thank you for causing the storm in my heart and calming the restlessness of my soul.

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