sirens & empty hallways

21 2 0

how do I tell you
that every moment
you are not here
burns my insides
to burnt crips
of longing.

gut me whole
reach inside my chest
pull out my searing heart
smoking with the pain
of you never being here
because you're always

the act of loving someone
so many miles away
is a brave and selfless one
but there's something
about exploring
someone's soul
before touching their skin
that's absolutely worth
the wisps of smoke
escaping your mouth
when you speak his name
from the fierce heat
of the fire in your heart for him.

the states between you drown
your stomach with swallowed tears often times but it does not put a damper on the quiet
inferno burning you alive and reminding you that waiting on
the hands of time will forever
be worth it.

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