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there is nothing beautiful about heartbreak
and I know we all romanticize it as if it is
but laying in bed in your own sweat and tears for days
and having your eyes burn each time you open them is not

the splatter of blood on your bedsheets and dried snot on your pillowcase is not beautiful

the bloom of bruises on your knuckles from punching the wall when you see him with a girl with pretty blue eyes is not poetic

when the thought of them in bed together makes you run to the toilet and throw up your grief you will not think it's beautiful

when you are begging for the aching in your bones and in your soul to leave, you will change your mind

because everything that isn't beautiful reminds you everything that once was

it will remind you of how he used to trace "i love you" into the inside of your wrist

how you'd go and watch shitty horror films just to make fun of the foolish characters in the darkness of the theatres

how when you were together, it was just you & him even if it were in a crowd

you'll roll over and you'll smell him on your blankets even though he hasn't even looked at you in weeks 

and it will remind you that even though roses are beautiful, they'll make you bleed if you hold on too tight

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