bathroom stalls & aching backs

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i know that you have gotten your sleeping beauty and she makes the fairy tales a reality for you.

but sometimes I wonder if you  roll over and smell me on your pillow and it makes you sick to your stomach because of what you did to me.

I wonder if you make her my coffee with 2 sugar and a bit of vanilla creamer out of habit and she can't handle the strongness because she likes 8 sugar and a 2 spoonfuls of hazelnut.

do you still play my playlist that's all over the place with varieties of genres in the car and can't bring yourself to turn it off when she complains.

do you still try to run your hand over the scar on my left hand, but it's not there because she has smooth baby hands.

all I wonder is if I still haunt your thoughts, maybe you don't purposely think of me, but am I still there?

i hope I do, because if I do it'd make falling asleep at night a lot easier. maybe that's selfish, but you didn't have any trouble falling asleep with her in your arms after you broke me.

i think, I deserve some rest and you need a few sleepless nights.

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