inkblots and tear stains

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i don't know why, but to me
nothing feels better than to
release all of these angry words
that swirl in my head
and upset my stomach
even if the sentences come out
jumbled and clipped
after months of them
simmering my brain
it matters to me because
even if the next morning I look at
my words scribbled directly
from the labyrinth bobbling atop my shoulders
I'll know that at one point
i was gasping and pleading
for those words to come alive
and live for themselves
instead of using me as a lifeline
for their inflicted misery
it matters to me because
if you're like me
I don't have very many pleasurable talents
and having just this little one
gives me enough space to breathe
for a girl like me
seeing black and white words on a page
means that I've finally done something

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