snowflakes & fuzzy sweaters

6 0 0

And I try to get lost in the wandering of strangers hands
In the pressing of their tongues against my lips
And their hips kneading into mine
Try to pretend its your eyes I'm looking into
And close mine whenever reality slaps me in the face
But I try and fail because after every time I'm
Sitting on the cool porcelain floor
Head in the toilet drowning in the remembrance of you
No matter how hard I try to pretend their skin feels like yours
Or pretend the way their lips move against mine is the same way yours always do
Try to find similarities in what they say to make this is all feel easier because maybe if they sound like you
Just maybe
I can trick myself into believing they are
But sometimes pretending is as close as I can get
So I flush the toilet and wipe my mouth
And go about my day

-you're stuck in my veins

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