water bottles and sweatpants

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the patter of the rain on my roof soothes my soul more than hands ever could and i'm sorry that you thought there was something wrong with you when your hands gripped my arms with worry and it only made me freak out even more. 

i asked you in the beginning if you knew what you were getting yourself into and you replied yes. i knew you didn't really know but it was easier to accept your answer than to deal with you not being here. loving a girl with a hectic mind isn't something you were used to.

i know that i am so very difficult, that i irk you deep to the core sometimes, especially when it comes to how i view myself but you have to understand. when i've been telling myself for years that the person i see in the mirror isn't worth looking at, one boy who comes along and tells me otherwise isn't going to wash that all away in the couple seconds it takes for him to say "you are beautiful" 

but i do know i really like the way those words sound coming out of your mouth

-a start maybe?

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