regrets & burning throats

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my hands always reach for things that burn because of the way they warm me like no other.

my heart still reaches for you when it is scared of you shattering it like so many times before.

it is truly a tragedy when you find the perfect one but you can't bring yourself to love completely because you still have someone else in your heart.

all I can say is I wish you the best. i hope someone loves you in all the ways I couldn't because if anyone deserves it, it's you.

i hope she memorizes little things about you like I did, runs her fingers through your hair when you're upset like I never could.

i hope she knows you only like coffee when you're really tired and look up to your dad more than anyone else in the world.

i hope she only ever has eyes for you and kisses you hard when you get home from a long day at work and holds your hand gently in the car while she scolds you about your NASCAR driver mindset.

i hope she cooks for you because god knows you'll burn the house down but lets you cook tombstone pizzas for dinner sometimes because you're a master at making the perfect one.

I hope she never takes you for granted and always appreciates everything you do for her because I know you'll put her first and give her your all.

I hope she never makes you fall asleep at night feeling unwanted and cuddles with you while you guys watch survivor until you fall asleep.

she'll figure out that you can't stand Kevin Durant because he abandoned your favorite team and your favorite player on that team is Russel Westbrook.

I hope she twirls around in your Westbrook jersey with messy hair and no pants and you think she's the most beautiful woman in the world.

I hope she orders your usual at casa romos and never gets you mountain dew because she knows you hate it.

I hope she laughs at all of your stupid jokes and feels so special when you laugh at hers.

I hope you tell all your friends about her and your family approves of her and your dad tells you that you made a good choice.

i hope she gives you the world, and everything and more like I wish I could but knew I never would be able to.

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