essays & overtime

20 3 1

you ask my why my words have grown shorter and my silences longer

but how do i tell you that often times i find the world i've created in my head

a lot better than the world i've been put in

it's not that i don't like this world, because i have a love for all the simple things

this world has to offer that we overlook and take for granted everyday

it's that i love the world more that i've created because no one takes those same things

for granted. 

i don't want to fall in love with someone through small talk

i want deep conversations at midnight because the day

has held back our bursting thoughts and we want to share them with each other

i want small adventures that create lasting memories 

and laughs about things only we understand 

i want a world where we look at people's eyes in the sunlight

and see more than just the color there

where physical touch is still cherished and not just a norm

where you spend weeks talking and getting to know each other

on the creaky park swings

sneaking out at night but not to go make pit stops at multiple people's houses

simply for what's between their legs

i want old fashioned love

passionate love letters filled with words from the heart and the 

raw emotion coursing through their body

i want flowers at doorsteps with a simply cute note 

that makes girls feel more special than any new pair of shoes ever would

i want the excitement when you can only call someone when they give you

their number and you can finally talk to them outside of your rendezvous

i want a world where people spend more time outside finding beauty in 

the nature around them than some nude girl on their phone screen

i want manners and kindness not trying to touch people before thanksgiving dinner

because you think that they want it and then wondering why you hear them throwing up

the same dinner 30 minutes later 

i want kind women who never tear each other down and don't look at men as pigs

i want men who are gentlemen and don't look at women as a game or an object

i would rather live in the days where phones did not exist but at the same time 

i wouldn't have met a person who brings the sun to the sky everyday for me

so, maybe i like that world better but who says we can't appreciate the good things 

in the one we live in now?

just because this world is not my choice doesn't mean there was anything wrong with it

before we made something wrong with it

i am still happy to know that i fell in love over video chat with someone

i just made small talk with before, (it infuriated me when a conversation couldn't keep) 

that the very first night we spent hours that felt like minutes talking about anything 

and everything under the moon 

we only noticed that our night together had turned into daytime when the birds began chirping

and we finally felt the bags under our eyes weighing us down

hearing his voice every night when otherwise i wouldn't be able to is a beautiful thing

and being able to hear my cousins voice as she tells stories of what i missed in her life

since we talked last and the excitement in the quake of her voice is enough to make 

me feel just as excited for her

i am thankful for the things that i have in this world that i don't have in my world that 

lets me keep in touch with her because as much as i want to be there

halfway being there is better than not being there at all

and maybe i am immersing myself in this culture but it does not mean 

just because i use my phone sometimes more often than i should

that i think rappers with zero morals and an empty plate for brains 

are cool just because they ramble into a mic and have face tattoos

it doesn't mean that i don't feel at home when the sun shines on my skin

and i can feel myself soaking it in and my body  whispering "thank you" 

it doesn't mean that i don't love the smell before and after a storm 

the way the air feels when i come out of my bedroom because i can't stand 

staring at the same four walls and phone screen

-am i in the wrong generation or is it just my lack of freedom depriving me of adventure?

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