The Three Benson Brothers

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Detective Inspector was busy enjoying a lovely cup of tea with a scone with cream and jam, by the crackling fire, enjoying life and thinking about his next case, a locked car mystery.
Suddenly, there was a loud crash, and the detective Inspector felt glass hit the back of his neck. Instinct kicked in, and he launched himself at the now broken window. There he saw the three troublesome Benson brothers running away. He recognized them, Mark Benson, Steve Benson, and Zayn Benson.
He sighed, and glanced down at what had broken the window. It was a stone, no more.
The Detective Inspector decided he needed some rest, and went to sleep.
In the morning, when he awoke, he heard a knock at the door. Weird, for it was Sunday, and the wasn't any post on Sunday's. He walked to the door, opened it, and found a small piece of paper lying on the floor, with the words:
It was ? Benson

Who broke the window?
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