When Your Father Is A Science Freak

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When your father is a scientist, you become his guinea pig. 

Stacy was the daughter of one of the most famous scientists in the world. His new invention, the blue and red pill (but not the one's from the matrix). If you ate one red capsule and one blue capsule, you would become strong and powerful. But, if you ate two of the same colour, you'd die. The Blue And Red Pills were sold in the same container. 

One day, Stacy was captured and imprisoned, to give information to pharmaceutical companies on her father's creations. She had been locked in a dark room, without phone or any other sources of light. She did, however, have a Blue And Red Pill container with her. But, much to her dismay, when she opened the container, she couldn't tell the different colour pills apart! 

She realised her dilemma. If she accidentally took two of the same colour, she could die, but there was a fifty-fifty chance that she would eat a blue and red pill. She wanted a 100% certainty that she would survive. 

What should she do? Creds @Zuriponsforevz

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