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Hello hello hello! Today is Christmas! So merry merry Christmas and I hope you all get the presents you all deserve! Here is my Christmas present 🎁 to all of you! I don't know where you live, and I can't fit down your chimneys, so instead I will publish it for all of you! ❤️❤️🎁🎁🎁🎄🎄🎄
Shall we begin?

The 53 bicycles
He cheated in a game of cards, bicycle is a card brand, so the other players shot him.
First Answer: @rinkashi123
Most creative answer: @MomoDemonise9029 (he was a masochist. He ordered someone to run over him those bicycles and shoot him) I don't know exactly what you mean, but, bravo 😂🙈.

The Breathtaking View
He was an astronaut, (hence, no wind in space, and stars are all around him) he took off his helmet and because there is no oxygen in space (I hope you all knew that) he dies.
First Answer: @acatalyst
Most creative answer: @AirishGaledeGuzman (he forgot to breath. 😬)  👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

Queen Of Hearts
The shovel is the set of spades in cards
The club is also a set in cards
The jewelry would be the set of diamonds.
And for the only set of cards left is the set of hearts, he died of a heart attack.
First Answer: @WaffleEverlasting (I love your username)
Most creative Answer: @acatalyst (After seeing that massacre who would not have gotten a frickin heart attack) 😂😂😂

The Rain
The one had an umbrella.
First correct Answer: @_sponge_bob__
Most creative: @Thug_lice (one is in a coffin. RIP coffin boi 2k16) #RIPcoffinboi

The Sulking Beggar
The Beggar was his sister.
First correct answer: @obbsiddian
Most creative answer: @LisaMaria1230 (She is a girl. I'm trying to think of something funny but all I can think of is "WAKE ME UP INSIDE") I can only think of that too.
To those he desperately wanted to be first: @WaffleEverlasting

Running, Running
The man was going to deliver a death pardon, but when the lights flickered, it indicated that the victim had been electrocuted.
First correct answer: @TomKluiby
Most creative answer: @MrToasty (DA POLICE FOUND HIM AND DA PAPER WAS TAXES) I honestly love you, bro.

A man walks into a bar...
the special was death (yeah I know, weird, huh?) and he asked if he wanted it in a shot (gunshot) or a bottle (bottle over the head or something) and he chose the shot.
First correct answer: @Shadowhunters205
Most creative answer: @Marinity (So the days special was death, huh...) makes you rethink clubs, doesn't it.

The Tale Of Matt Baker
The narrator, David, did it. Because he knew it was done with an undetectable poison.
First correct answer:  zeFuchs  Ei! You're is back!
Most creative answer: everyone got this right. Except for @expecto0patronum 😂😂😉🙈

Schedules are important
If they hadn't taken so much time looking at the postcards, they would have missed the mudslide.
First correct answer: @Musical_Genocide
No creative answers here... I'm disappointed. 

Mrs Wellis, The Lonely Widow
She lived in a light house, and when she turned the lights off, a ship crashed and seven people died.
First correct answer: @TomKluiby who was praised by four after getting it right 😂😂
Most creative Answer: @shaiha12345 (she was the murderer) no shit, Sherlock 😂😉
Am I being too mean?

Shallow breaths and Bloody Fingers
He dialed 911 but didn't call.
First correct answer: @Musical_Genocide
Most creative answer: @Bianna48 (THE NARRATOR IS AN ANIMAL SO WHEN HE CALLED THE OPERATOR DIDNT UNDERSTAND... this is probably wrong) yep. Yes it is.
But because it's Christmas, @ForeverGiven_Hetalia didn't answer first, I'm giving her a special mention, because I have a heart.

Detective Penelope
If you get shot in the head. You are dead. Dead. Finished. You don't have time to write anything. So, it was Ashleigh Stevens, because she wrote S W on the wall to frame Steven Wright, but the police are smarter than that.
First correct answer: zeFuchs
Most creative answer: @WaffleEverlasting well done, after changing your mind four times... but you got it right the second time.

WELL DONE ALL! Let's see..............................
The winners are: @TomKluiby
CONGRATS you all get a follow from me, unless I already have. And a vote on one of your stories

But, the most creative answer goes to,

Merry Christmas and a happy new year, and a happy new Sherlock season for all!
Love you all, and I will be updating! Stay tuned!

Do you want a Christmas read? Go read my story Lerusia: The Shadow Army.

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