Oh Captain, My Captain

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Two years at sea. A week without food. Two days till land.

 The captain of the ship "Rosaline" sees the outline of land, which will still take a couple days to reach. His stomach rumbled. He hadn't eaten proper food in three days and he was surprised he was still standing. 

"Captain! We caught an albatross and made some soup. We saved you a bowl," one of the sailors said. 

The captain nodded. He was too exhausted to say anything. With trembling hands he took the bowl and drinks the soup hurriedly. It revived him and kept him going until he reached the shore. 

Two days later they arrived on land. The captain goes to pub and to celebrate he ordered the soup which probably saved his life. 

He has one spoon full, then walks out the pub. The next day he is found dead. He killed himself. 

Why did he kill himself? 

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