The 6 Rooms; 5 Are Deadly, 1 Is Harmless

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"Okay, because you saw your way through the last four rooms, and chose the room with the lions, and survived, you must pick from these six."

"Eurgh, again?" the criminal scoffed.

"Here are your options, I suppose you'd like to write it down." the judge said. 

One hour later...

The criminal sat in his small square metal cell, sitting on the cold floor, and examined the piece of paper. 

Door 1: a ninja who will chop off your head.

Door 2: alligator who has not eaten in 2 years.

Door 3: lion who has not eaten in 2 weeks.

Door 4: desert in which the hot blazing sun will burn you instantly.

Door 5: door locked because the keys have been misplaced.

Door 6: zombie. 

Survive one night and be let out. 

Which room should he pick? 

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