Answers And Awards

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Hey, psychopaths! 

Hope you are all healthy and happy! By the way, your girl is gonna be a published author soon! It's been a while, so let's get on with it! 


Leslie Linh is the killer. The building is a five story building next to their house so how could she see the crime on the rooftop from the second floor?

F.C.A: eleven-snap

B.A.: ThisGirlAnaenay

I dont know man, maybe Bigfoot

Unknowingly Charged With Manslaughter

Marcel was carrying an organ for an important transplant. On his way to the operation, he crashed which delayed the transplant from taking place, therefore the patient died. 


B.A.: The_Dragon_Star

Because he ruined a perfectly good Mercedes instead of giving it to me.

The Job Interview

Her mother's laptop was there, indicating that she had come home. Her father had then killed her. 

F.C.A: SoullessSkin

B.A.: eye_shaa

Everyone's like it's the laptop and I'm like she must be a mind reader like the girl in X-men apocalypse. Mind readers everywhere nowadays

I can relate 

Five Houses 

like no one even tried this riddle lol everyone just gave up on life. This is why I can personally relate to my readers. 

the German owns the fish 


but here are my favourite comments: 

My fishes name is Mr. Jellyfish and he's been dead for about 7 years -Mornmeadow14I'm going to find a way to murder Einstein -_MeltingSnowflakes_I'm not interested in the fish unless it murdered someone -MrEnderBooksJesus. Because Jesus is always the answer. - -badbitchy (me when I don't know the answer in exams) ITS A NEW MOVIE FINDING NEMO 3 -jaccqui61


She is a seal. Her coat is her fur and the purple is dye used to make seal fur unwanted by poachers. 

F.C.A: TomKluiby I swear this guy works for the illuminati

B.A.: neburya

she's a wizard, harry

Failing to meet deadlines (cause same) 

Because it was a glass building and they were burning up from the sun, so they thanked him for breaking the glass. - TinaBenini

F.C.A: DancingOnFlames_

B.A.: cheeky_fries

Duh insurance 

Author's Note 

The fiancee killed her. Gianna Haley was waiting for her fiancee to see the acknowledgments the night before she died so the fiancee couldn't have known who she acknowledged and thus saw the book and was the one who killed her. Some undetectable, colorless, orderless poison must have been put on the book at the spot where Gianna turned the page. She licked her finger in order to turn the page and got the poison on her and then died. - Hilo_People

F.C.A: _paa_

B.A.: hyungshea

the book eat her


"Umm... the neighbour was snoring too loudly," my ten year old sister explained, as she told me a riddle her friend had told her earlier that day, in hopes that it would go in my book. 

"And then?" I asked, intrigued and in desperate need for another riddle. 

She looked at me, lost in thought, "So she called him to wake him up so that he would stop!"

F.C.A: Jade5438

B.A.: -

(...) she called my biology teacher.

Old Mrs Wilde 

It was a one story house, but she somehow ended up walking up stairs... 

F.C.A: xJoyfulBellax

B.A.: WrightKindOfRong

Because she was "Wilde"

CosmoCress because you tried 


I tried really hard to get you guys here. You guys are way too smart. I raised you well. 

The man is here help is an acrostic. Tried to throw you with the other spelling mistakes but I failed. 

F.C.A: Lady_Dusk

B.A.: nerdynarwal528

Bad grammar and things spelled wrong


Thank you all for your lovely feedback on this chapter! 

to all those who thought it was a riddle, sorry ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

Y'all I'm getting so much, could one call it, diversity? Awards are way too hard to distribute, so they will only be given if there is a name mentioned twice. Love you all <3

(If you want to read the book in which my story will be featured, hmu <3) 

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