Dooms Day

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James had his life all figured out. He was a night guard at a famous museum, so the pay was good. He had just gotten married, he and his lovely wife were planning on having children soon, and they had bought a lovely house with lovely neighbours and were planning on buying puppies. Yes, life was good. 

One day, however, he woke up in a cold sweat. His heart was beating, and when he tried to go back to sleep, he was awoken again by his previous nightmare. In this nightmare, he envisioned his boss and his driver on their way to work, when suddenly a gigantic truck collided into them. There were no survivors. James had to tell his boss. 

His boss was very superstitious, believed James and decided to take his bike to work and send his driver the same route, alone. James was right, and that day the boss's driver died because a truck had collided with the car, killing him instantly. 

But, even though James had saved his boss's life, he was still fired that day. 


Creds to @heartwritings

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