The Well And The Disappearing Bodies

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When Sven was a little boy, he killed his brother after he bit his ankle. Now, the best way to get rid of the body, Sven thought, was to throw it down the well. So, he did that. And the next day, the body had disappeared.
A few years later, when he was 14, he got into a mast argument with his best friend, so he killed him. And, just li,e he did with his little brother, he threw his body down the well. And the next day, it was gone.
When he 18, his girlfriend got pregnant, and because he didn't want to be the father, he killed her and also threw her body with the unborn child down the well. But she too, wasn't there the next day.
When he was 24, his boss annoyed him, so he did the same. He killed him, and chucked the body down the well, and the following day it was gone.
But, one day his mother got very sick, and instead of caring for her, he killed her and threw her body down the well.
But when the next day, he went to go and check, her body was there.

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P.S. This Story Is the #111 best in the short story category! Thank you all! Xxx

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