I can feel your eyes.

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Meredith's POV:

I give myself one last look in the mirror, trying to decide if this is the right outfit choice. My blonde hair hangs silky and straight down passed my shoulders. My wide green eyes are accentuated by the little bit of mascara I am currently wearing. I allow my gaze to drift down my slim body, the black dress I am wearing making my small curves visible. I sigh again slightly disappointed in my appearance.

"You look fine" My roommate Cristina says from her study desk.

"You didn't even look" I laugh turning to face her.

She is huddled over one of her many text books studying for a class that hasn't even started yet. I cant help but smile when looking at her. Cristina is a small framed Asian American woman, and a very gorgeous one at that. Not that you could tell with her face almost always hidden in some book. She takes a sip of her coffee, probably wont be her last one of the night, her  midnight curls hanging in loose tendrils around her face.

"I didn't need too, you always look fine" she smiles looking up at me.

"Thanks roomie, are you sure you don't want to come?" I ask already knowing her response.

"Not a chance, too much to do" she informs me seriously pushing her glasses up her nose.

"Alright, well if you change your mind, I have my phone" I say grabbing my jacket and purse from off my bed.

"Okay Mer, be safe" she says going back to her book "Also I put some condoms in your purse" she adds nonchalantly.

"Cristina!" I laugh almost choking.

"We both know what you are like when you drink to much" she says with a teasing look in her eye.

"Whatever see you tonight" I laugh heading out the door.

"Won't count on it" she mutters as I am closing the door behind me.

I let out a small chuckle at her comments, which unfortunately are rooted in fact. I however do not plan on drinking too much tonight, I start my Junior year at college tomorrow, can't afford to be hung over.

Few drinks shouldn't hurt though I think as I walk into a bar that is just a couple blocks away from the University. Emerald City Bar? sounds safe enough to me.

Derek's POV:

I can feel the nerves about tomorrow twisting my stomach in knots. I just recently graduated with my Ph.D. in Biological science with an emphasis in anatomy and physiology and I start my first teaching gig in the morning.

Rather than sit in my new and still very empty house I decide to go out for a drink. One drink cant hurt and it is early enough that I can get away with having one and still be home in time to get some rest.

I pull on my jacket, grabbing and my wallet and keys before heading towards the door. I stop to check my physical state in the mirror. I can't help but smile at my reflection, I look pretty good for 31 if I must say so myself.

I head out the door and start walking to a little bar close by that I have come to know well these passed few months. The lights of the Emerald City Bar are inviting, and I have come to enjoy my conversations with Joe the owner and bar tender.

"The usual Dr. Shepherd!" he calls out to me when he sees me walking up to take my usual seat by the bar.

"Yes please, and what did I tell you about calling my Dr. Shepherd, Derek is fine" I laugh as he pours me a single malt scotch.

"whatever you say Derek, this ones on the house" he smiles handing my drink.

I take a sip swiveling in my chair to take a look at tonight's crowd. There is quiet a few regulars here tonight and while I haven't taken the  time to get to know there names I feel like I know them well.

Over at table by the door sits "pops" a very old man who does nothing but drink whiskey and eat peanuts all night, at the table next to him sits a woman I have nicknamed Frizzy on account of her mop of red curls. I continue people watching letting my gaze fall momentarily on each person as I continue taking small sips of my drink.

I am just about to turn back around in my stool when I see her.

I swallow heavily as I take in her gorgeous form. She is sat just a few stools away from me the bar lights dancing around her blonde hair like a halo. Her tight black dress hugs to every visible curve of her small body. He eyes are cast downwards at the table of the bar hiding there color. I watch as her hand reaches for the full shot glass in front of her.

She knocks it back like a pro licking her delicious looking lips. She smiles a sultry smile at Joe who pours her another shot. This girl can't be more than 21, I wonder how many drinks she has already had.

Almost as if she can sense my eyes on her she turns my direction and I am awestruck. Her gorgeous eyes that I can now see are a vivid shade of green are fringed with the most gorgeous lashes. She blinks at me a few times tilting her head to the side almost daring me to come closer.

So I do exactly that.

A/N: I hope you like this so far! If you are coming from one of my other fanfictions don't worry, I will be continuing to update all other works. I just wanted to try my hand at some AU stuff:)

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