Cotton candy flavored

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Meredith's POV: a month later

No more boundaries have been crossed and I don't know if that is a relief or a hindrance. There has been quiet a few instances where I have caught Derek watching me, his blue eyes filled with something that can only be described as longing. The time that we spend together both in and outside of the classroom has been both heart wrenchingly sweet and full of torment. Being near him is agonizing, I long for his embrace and the feel of his lips on mine. Yet being in his presence fills me with a happiness that I didn't know  was possible.

I love getting to know him beyond a sexual and intellectual level. We have both opened up discussing both personal and trivial things. I feel like myself when I am with him, and I have told him things that I haven't told anyone, not even Cristina. He always knows how to cheer me up, and he tells some of the most stupid jokes. Having him to help me study has also been paying off. Today we took our first test so we will have to see how much it really has paid off.

"Did you grade it yet?" I exclaim bursting into his office, I no longer bother to knock.

"Calm down, and yes I have" he says standing up and walking around his desk.

"Well?" I venture his tone has yet to give anything away.

"I'm so sorry Meredith.." he begins leaning up against his desk.

"Oh god" I say shaking my head knowing what he is about to say, I can feel tears forming in my eyes.

"I'm so sorry to tell you that you PASSED!" he exclaims turning my test around to show me that I got 100%

"Oh my god!" I jump to attention excitedly flinging my arms around him tears of happiness flowing from my eyes now.

The tears are flowing freely now, we have both put in so much extra time and work to make sure that I am passing and here we are it paid off. I am so happy that for a second I don't notice that his arms are around me and that my head if buried into his shoulder. His body feels so amazing warm pressed against mine that I don't want to pull away. But I know that I should so I step back snatching my test from out of his and giving it a loud kiss.

"I can't believe you" I laugh smacking him with my test!

"I thought that it would be suspenseful! I didn't mean to upset you" he says sheepishly.

"it's fine! now lets go celebrate!" I exclaim still feeling on top of the world.

"Ice cream?"  he offers grabbing his jacket and scarf.

"Ice cream it is! I know the perfect place" I smile stuffing my test into my bag and leading the way out of his office.

We are both so overwhelmed with happiness that I don't think either of us has even considered that this may be inappropriate. and at this point I am not even sure that we care.

Derek's POV:

She leads me through the crowded city streets, leading me god knows where but honestly I don't mind, I love spending time with her, but god I hate not knowing where I am going.

"Meredith stop. where are we going?" I demand reaching out to grab her hand to stop her from continuing down the sidewalk.

"It's not far Derek, I swear it will be worth it" she grins happily back at me gripping my hand tighter and pulling me along the sidewalk.

I sigh continuing to walk along with her. I smile softly to myself when I realize that she is still gripping my hand tightly. Her hand feels so soft and warm in mine that I can't stop myself from rubbing my thumb across the smooth surface. I watch as her eyes drop down to our connecting hands.

"Oops sorry!" she laughs embarrassed dropping my hand quickly.

"It's okay" I reassure her my hand already aching to reach for hers again.

We walk a few more blocks before reaching a hole in the wall ice creamery. She walks inside, stopping to shut her eyes and smell the freshly baked waffle cones. She walks up to the displays smiling like a child at all the flavors, I swear she couldn't look more beautiful.

"What would you like?" I ask shaking the previous thought out of my head.

"Cotton candy!" she smiles up at me her teeth on full display.

"Cotton candy it is" I laugh going up to the cashier to order for us both.

"once coffee in a waffle cone and one cotton candy in a- wait Mer did you want a waffle cone?" I ask her.

"Yes pleaseeee" she smiles batting her eyelashes at me.

"and one cotton candy in a waffle cone please" I  smile at the cashier.

She hands us our ice cream and I hand her a twenty telling her to keep the change. We travel outside and decide to walk around Bell Street while we eat. We eat silently for a while just enjoying our ice creams before she interrupts the silence.

"Do you always get coffee flavored?" she asks.

"Yes, do you always get cotton candy" I smile down at her.

"For the most part, have you ever tried it?" she smiles up at me.

"No"  I answer and she seemed surprise.

"how can you have never tried cotton candy flavor, here try mine!" she stops walking shoving her ice cream cone infront of my face.

"Meredith.." I try to protest  but she interrupts me.

"Please" she smiles at me and I cant help but resist.

I roll my eyes at her taking  a small taste of her ice cream.

"Pretty good huh" she laughs gently poking me in the side with her free hand.

"Yeah it was alright" I smile down at her as we continue walking.

Little does she know that I am wondering if her lips are cotton candy flavored.

A/N: I hope whoever is reading is enjoying this so far! I am having a lot of fun with it! I feel like since it is an AU I can kind of do whatever I want with the story. I have a really sweet idea for the next chapter, I will try to update it later tonight.

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